Why do we have to learn what “hot” means the hard way?

Samantha (almost 20 months, where has the time gone?) learned what hot meant today. The twins are extremely curious and love to watch me cook. They will move chairs and stand on anything that is tall enough to see what’s on the counter. It is really cute, but it makes it difficult for me to cook some days. Keeping track of knives, hot pots and pans, and baby fingers.

I was cooking some eggs for the kids this morning, and Samantha was watching me like she always does. The eggs were finished, and I turned to put them on some plates, and that’s when the screaming started. I felt so terrible. I turned for just a few seconds. Her index and middle fingers touched the burner. She has two burns (not bad) on her little fingers. I’m not a nurse, but I definitely know how to handle kitchen burns. I put her fingers on ice, gave her some Tylenol, and I have an aloe plant in my kitchen window sill, just for that reason.

All my kiddos learned what hot meant the hard way. I’m sure I did as well, but why do we need to learn the lesson that way? James (4) grabbed my electric frying pan when he was about two. Luke (9) and Ronin (7) learned the burner way and Anthony (20 mon) learned by grabbing a frying pan.

I have a burn on my shoulder from a pot. Yes, you read that right. Anthony was trying to grab and pull down a pot of boiling water, I caught him just in time, saved him and the water, but got my shoulder. I have burn scars all over my hands and wrists from cooking. (Apparently I haven’t fully learned what hot means!) Ronin was cooking a couple months ago and got a burn on his hand. I put some aloe on it and encouraged him to keep cooking. Burns are a part of cooking, I guess.

Luke and Ronin like to cook, I’m so proud of them for that. James and the twins are always trying to get the veggies or cheese I’m chopping. I have never, ever cut their little fingers, mine always get it. (Knock on wood.) Haha. I have come close and had to yell at them because it’s scary.

In happier news, we promoted the twins from high chairs to the big table. They are starting to eat better and they love eating with us! They get so excited at dinner and love sitting next to Dada! Anthony will get his booster seat, that is 30 years old, put it in the chair and hang out like a big boy! I’m so glad we can all sit together and eat dinner.

Thanks for reading today and always keep aloe in your kitchen if you are as clumsy as me! (Haha!) I hope you have a great day!

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